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Artist in Residence Information 

Residencies are open to artists interested in making social change and creating a dialogue, and/or engagement in the McGruder neighborhood. Priority will be given to artists that have attended or are attending a HBCU, community or education based art, need of studio space and merit of work. Projects may be developed using any medium or combination of artistic expression (visual, writing, theater, dance, fashion but not limited to). 


Ideas for projects are to be proposed in a letter of intent but are envisioned to change as artist consults with community.


Artist are asked to consider this in their work

  • Activate new imaginative possibilities

  • Provoke public dialogue

  • Shift dominant cultural narratives


All residences duration are to be determined by artists and M-SPAR administration. Five to ten hours per week dedicated to project will be required to participate in residency.  Hours can be combined and spread over the residences duration. Review of residency happens with two reports, the first mid-residency, outlining full intent, and the final at the completion of residency. 


Application Process

Letter of Intent describing your project and interest in community, Artist Statement and Biography, CV, 5 jpeg images or 3 video files, two references.

If applicant has trouble supplying all requirements or has questions please contact Courtney Adair Johnson at artandrecycling (at) 

© 2023 by A M-SPAR 

McGruder Family Resource Center: 615-291-4513

2013 25th Ave North, Nashville TN 37208

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